Monday, March 24, 2008
Here is my summary of answers posted before it was flagged:
"My summary take on the issue:
On the one hand, there are objections:
(A) Change management is an effort at control and miracles are outside of our control. The acceptable way to work with miracles is to consider them as luck. Work hard and prepare well (Bjorn);
(B) Change is not accomplished by one-time miracles (Sherri), but is more organic. Approach it more naturally like tending a garden (Kevin);
(C) Introducing "miracles" into discussions invites divisive debates about religious beliefs (LB) and suggestions about where such talk is more appropriate (Jorgen);
(D) Depending on the source of the "miracle," it is still a matter of choice of what to believe. (Cristina)
On the other hand, some:
(E) see no limitations (Ryan) because God (not god or gods) is ultimately the cause (Ralph);
(F) see miracles as a change of consciousness (Elaine);
(G) see miracles everyday and encourage seeking miracles without limitation, but warn against thinking God's a miracle-machine (Arne);
(H) see life as miraculous for people of faith (MarcArthur).
I answer as follows: Miracles, supernatural interventions by God into the natural order of life, happen. They happen every day to and in view of people all over the world. Their chief limitation is that miracles convert the mind by force of evidence whereas change is accomplished by change of heart (will). A miracle may be necessary in helping some achieve change but a miracle is not sufficient to force change. We, with our God-given free will, may still resist the message of the miracle.
In reply to the responses, I say:
(A) & (E) In the most difficult situations, praying for a miracle after hard work and preparation is the way miracles have traditionally been sought. (Ask and you shall receive.) Miracles may appear as luck to those yet to receive the gift of faith in God.
(B) & (F) Change is not accomplished by one-time miracles, unless the one-time change is a change in consciousness which is the inner response to outward signs of miracles. Seeds must be sewed in good soil, but they sprout as if all at once.
(C)& (G) Permitting miracles to be discussed in change management may result in more unifying conversations about where changes must take place: in our hearts, not just in our minds. ("Believe me...the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem...").
(D)& (H) When a person believes that God is the source of a miracle, which is correct by definition, he or she has arrived at this belief, neither by mere choice among available alternatives nor by rational judgment based on pre-established criteria, but by a process of decision-making. In that process, the person has assented to what God wants shown by way of the miracle. (The blind see; those who don't are blinded.) Those who “get it” may be grateful. Those who don’t may want to renew their sense of wonder. "
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Books for Decision-Makers
Below are links to books for decision-makers organized by relevant questions and answers that relate to particular milestones along the Decision-Maker's Path (tm). An alphabetical listing of books may be found at: Alphabetical List of Books.
Books for Decision-Makers
1. Where are you coming from?
- Your Life as Story
- Leisure The Basis Of Culture
- The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community
- When God Writes Your Life Story: Experience the Ultimate Adventure
2. Where are you wanting to go?
- Living with the End in Mind
- End of Time: A Meditation on the Philosophy of History
- Touching the Void
- Young Men and Fire
- Death and Immortality
- Insight: A Study of Human Understanding
- Understanding and Being
- Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas
- The City of the Gods
- Time and Myth
- A Search for God in Time and Memory
- The Way of All the Earth: Experiments in Truth and Religion
- The Homing Spirit
- The House of Wisdom
- The Peace of the Present An Unviolent Way of Life
- The Reasons of the Heart
- The Road of the Heart's Desire
- Loves Mind: An Essay on Contemplative Life
- Reading The Gospel
- The Mystic Road of Love
- A Vision Quest
- Deep Rythym and the Riddle of Eternal Life
3. What are you waiting for?
- Thinking With a Pencil
- The Elements of Style
- Adler's Philosophical Dictionary
- The Great Ideas: A Lexicon of Western Thought
- Some Questions About Language
- Tractatus Logico Philosophicus
- Philosophical Investigations
- How To Find Your Mission In Life
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- How to Think About God
- How to Think About the Great Ideas
- Memorize the Faith
- The Mind Map Book
- Way of the Winding Path: A Map for the Labyrinth of Life
- The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers, 3rd Ed
- The Hero's Journey
- The Hero's 2 Journeys
- The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle
4. What are your wise ones generally advising?
- Greek Myths for Young Children
- Classic Myths to Read Aloud
- Philosophy for Kids
- Philosophy 101 by Socrates
- Young Person's Guide to Philosophy
- The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy
- Does the Center Hold?: An Introduction to Western Philosophy
- Looking At Philosophy: The Unbearable Heaviness of Philosophy Made Lighter
- In Defense of Philosophy
- The Story of Philosophy
- Great Books of the Western World
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- History of Philosophy, Volume 8
- History of Philosophy, Volume 9
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- Back to Virtue
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- Ten Philosophical Mistakes
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5. What are the pros and cons of the issue?
6. What are the "Powers That Be" saying?
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8. What are the facts and reasons you are contending with?
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- A 12-Step Approach to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
- Do It at Home Retreat
- The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
9. What insights and oversights are emerging?
- Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living Your Dreams
- King Saul, the Tragic Hero
- Dreams: A Study of the Dreams of Jung, Descartes, Socrates
- Dreams: God's Forgotten Language
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- Jesus the Teacher
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- God Is Near Us
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- Because God Is Real
- Love Is Stronger Than Death
- Love Alone Is Credible
- Salvation Is from the Jews
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10. How are you telling the story of your decision?
- Committed to Memory
- A Gerald Manley Hopkins Reader
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11. What are you willing to risk to gain what you can only be hoping for?
12. How are you determining that the decision you discern is the right one?
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Heaven, but Never Dreamed of Asking
- Heaven: The Heart's Deepest Longing
- God's Passionate Desire
- Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense
- The God Who Loves You
- The Kingship of Christ
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