Thursday, March 6, 2008

Controversy: Unpredictability vs. Consistency (Yin vs. Yang)

The question was asked first on LinkedIn where other answers can be found. My answer was:

“Dear Wei,

Wonderful question!

Hope this answer surprises you.

We walk on two legs, one foot stepping forward at a time.

Strategy, say, is on the left foot, stepping out first; consistent process is on the right foot, following up with strength; and both moving forward only in alternation.

Most of us couldn't hop long on only one, or even both of the alternatives.

Matching the movements of the legs are the arms: left hand catching what clients want; right hand providing the co-worker and human resources.

While the mind provides sufficient directions with measures, analysis, and knowledge management through common sense necessarily located in the brain, leadership comes. and is taken. from the heart in felt rhythms.

Using the spirited air we breathe in and out, we may presently speak about predictable results derived from consistent processes already past while we must at the same time admit the unpredictable from processes that address the unknown and even unknowable future.

There may be controversy, depending on whether your locomotion is backing into the future or facing it as you go.

But the only true controversy I would be concerned about in what you have described would be if the principle of non-contradiction would be violated in the process. There may be yin (past) and yang (future) at any given time, but we cannot allow yin and not-yin, or for that matter yang and not-yang, to balance each other at the same time without something much worse than controversy happening.

The apparent paradox of desiring unpredictability and consistency at the same time must be resolved or we cannot move forward.

We would be caught in the uncomfortable position of untenable contradiction and standing still, frozen in our tracks.

Thanks for the question."

What do you think?

Please include your comment here or contact me to discuss.


John Darrouzet

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