Saturday, March 1, 2008

What determined your career path?

The question was asked first on LinkedIn where other answers can be found. My answer was:

“Recently I have taken the opportunity to review my career. It has been an interesting reflection. Hindsight is so much clearer. That's why I think most of us make judgments more often than decisions, generally, but especially in career moves. Thus I've learned that I did not want to choose a career, for it was impossible to narrow down my interests. Nor did I want to judge one career path over another, because I could not determine the factors and rationale for one path over another.

In the end, I've either had the path dictated to me or decided it for myself. But my decision-making process has changed over the years and I am now looking for a more enhanced one. Hence my series of questions about decision making in the Change Management category. One preliminary hypothesis is that all of my career moves have taken me into arenas where my strongest suit was reading and writing. That I've done since I was a child.

Right now, I'm fascinated by Open Networking. My sense is that it is leading those of us who are enthusiastic about it to a new sense of "cosmopolis" where national, ethnic, religious, and other artificial boundaries are falling down. This in turn may become the most interesting career move of all: To become a citizen of the world. Does anyone issue such passports?”

What do you think?

Please include your comment here or contact me to discuss.


John Darrouzet

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